" Do you commute by bike to work? Check out the most fashionable bike styles - Makeupik

Do you commute by bike to work? Check out the most fashionable bike styles

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Do you commute by bike to work? Check out the most fashionable bike styles
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A bicycle is a great means of transportation. It doesn’t require a travel fee, you don’t have to pay for a parking space and, most importantly, it’s eco. In addition, riding a bicycle improves your physical fitness. More and more people have started to choose the bicycle as a means of transportation to work. Check out what are the most fashionable styles for cycling!

Stylish dress and sports shoes – that is, comfort and elegance!

This is a solution that is known to women not from today. On the streets you can meet many women wearing sports shoes to dresses. However, does each of them look good? When creating such a styling, it is worth thinking carefully. Not every dress will look good with sneakers or sneakers. If it is a daytime, for example, knitted dress – you can boldly wear white sneakers or black sneakers with it! Choosing the right length of the dress you can boldly and comfortably ride a bike in it, and then also look good at work. 

Combine elegance with a sporty tracksuit

Elegance and sports can be combined in various ways. One of them is an elegant hairstyle, full makeup and a tracksuit set. Will it go together? As much as possible. Gently wavy and pinned up hair, to which a shadow on the eyelid and lipstick. This is what will perfectly break the sporty look of a tracksuit. You’ll stand out in the crowd, plus you’ll feel beautiful and comfortable riding your bike! Of course, this kind of styling does not fit every position. So think about whether you can afford it.

Comfortable suit

A suit is a great styling for work. It looks good with stilettos, but if you have to ride a bike in it, you’d better choose moccasins or ballerinas. You can choose a black or gray suit, but also a colorful suit or one with an interesting print. It all depends on your position in the workplace.  It will be best if this suit has a touch of elastane or is slightly wider. This will make you comfortable on the bike, and you will also feel more at ease at work. 

Skirt with sports shoes – that’s it!

This is a very prudent and safe way to combine elegant and sporty style. Sneakers are an incredibly comfortable and lightweight type of footwear. You can wear them with most dresses and skirts. Combination of pleated white midi skirt, colorful shirt and white sneakers – this is it! In such a styling you can confidently get on a bike and not worry that you will be uncomfortable. Moreover, you will look great at work too!

Mom jeans and shirt

This combination is perfect for work and for a bike. If you combine black wide jeans with a smart white shirt, and wear comfortable moccasins – you will feel and look great! Not only on the bike, but also at work. 

main photo: unsplash.com/Blubel

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