" Dressing for a job interview - how not to make mistakes? - Makeupik

Dressing for a job interview – how not to make mistakes?

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Dressing for a job interview – how not to make mistakes?

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The outfit you choose for a job interview is extremely important. After all, you can only make a first impression once, right? So find out what to think about when choosing your outfit and take a look at our sample suggestions.

The way you dress is often the first thing you notice about someone else. That is why it is a good idea to take care of it if you are going to interview for a job. The right style may emphasize your commitment, or lack thereof, in the recruitment process. Find out how to avoid mistakes when choosing your outfit for a job interview.

Basic rules to follow

There are a few basic rules to follow when choosing your outfit for a job interview. First of all, it should be neat. Clean, pressed and nice smelling clothes are an absolute must. Also, choose something that you feel confident in – and confidence is extremely important during a job interview. If the outfit restricts your movements or you simply feel uncomfortable in it, the recruiter will notice right away, if only through your body language. It is also advisable to dress formally, but this depends mainly on the industry. In some of them, for example in the creative industry or new media, extravagant and unusual styling may be perceived as a plus

Our suggestions on what to wear for a job interview

So what should you wear? The most comfortable and safest option would certainly be a women’s suit in an elegant, subdued color, and a shirt. You can match it with both strappy stilettos and flat shoes, and you’ll be sure to look extremely chic.

A dress is also a tried and tested solution. Remember, however, that it’s a huge faux-pas to go to a potential employer with bare legs. Be sure to wear tights, even if the interview is in the summer. A great addition to an elegant and simple dress is an airy jacket, which you can take off if the weather gets hot. This is also a great option for larger women. The XXL dress will emphasize your assets and conceal imperfections, which will certainly give you confidence. Classic stilettos will look great with this summer outfit

Another good choice is a set composed of simple material pants, such as those with an elegant edge, and a less formal top. You may opt for a looser shirt or turtleneck in muted colors. Both stilettos and sneakers will go well with this outfit, but keep in mind that what you might wear to an interview at a startup or creative agency will not necessarily work at a law firm or large corporation.

What else to keep in mind?

Another element to pay attention to is the accessories and color scheme of the entire outfit. Try to make the whole outfit coherent and harmonious, but also as minimalist as possible. This will make you look professional and this is how the recruiter will perceive you.
Remember also to arrive for the interview early enough. This will give you time to visit the bathroom and, for example, fix your hair or take off your outerwear in peace. Knowing that you look favourable will make it easier for you to control your stress and you will become much more confident.

Main photo: Amy Hirschi/unsplash.com

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