" LUNAR CUT: good method or trendy myth? - Makeupik

LUNAR CUT: good method or trendy myth?

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LUNAR CUT: good method or trendy myth?
Face careHair

Astrology for some people is very important and has a great impact on their lives. With its help, people often make important decisions about their personal lives or professional matters. For astrology, the position of individual planets or the moon in relation to the earth is of great importance. The moon’s influence on nature is noticeable not only as the tides of the seas and oceans. It is also associated with fertility, agriculture and animal behavior in a broad sense.

There is a theory that it is according to the phases of our natural satellite that we should make the decision to cut our hair. This supposedly has an impact on their health. A whole method of cutting hair based on the lunar cycle has been developed.

This method is not scientifically proven. Through attraction, the moon is said to regulate the overall growth of life on earth, including your hair. On a full moon, all natural forces are at their strongest, which is supposed to accelerate hair growth after cutting your hair. It is well known that frequent trimming of the ends of your hair keeps it strong and allows it to grow healthily. Doing it on a full moon is supposed to enhance this effect.

There are plenty of tips on the internet, including lunar calendars that indicate the phases of the moon when it is best to visit your hairdresser. The zodiac sign of the person ready for a haircut is also a determining factor. The most favorable dates are determined for each sign. Some of the calendars also refer to depilation or other hair removal methods.

There’s no denying that regular visits to the hairdresser, even as dictated by the phases of the moon, will have a positive effect on the appearance and health of your hair. Long, thick curls with strong roots, naturally shiny and smooth are the dream of most of us. So why not give it a try? The closest astrological date to schedule a haircut is the summer solstice, which is June 20-21.

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Main photo: Alexander Andrews/ unsplash

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