" Stick on beauty is a trend that fans of the 2000s will love - Makeupik

Stick on beauty is a trend that fans of the 2000s will love

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Stick on beauty is a trend that fans of the 2000s will love

For most women, jewels and sparkles stuck on the face are associated with the early 2000s. Among them we can distinguish the cult teardrop-shaped crystals, which pretended to be an earring in the nose. This year the fashion for them is back, admittedly in a slightly different form, but still!

Extravagant eyeliner

Let’s start with metallic lines made of flecks, which not only add character to the makeup, but also allow to put the imperfections to the background. For many of us, applying eyeliner is a challenge – so stick on beauty will be an alternative!

Face stickers

Stickers on the face will only be worn by very confident women who are not afraid to experiment with their make-up. They can spice up any look!

Nonchalant Manicure

Bored with the classic, one shade manicure? Opt for nail stickers! This way you won’t have to spend time and attention on painting patterns, because they will be replaced by stickers.

Pearl freckles

Freckles made of pearls and gems are an absolute hit! Artificial freckles have already crept into makeup trends a few seasons ago. For those who are bored with the classic ones, we suggest using pearls for freckles. It will look incredibly characterful, and you can be sure that you will draw attention to yourself!

Main Photo: Felipe Bustillo/unsplash.com

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