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What is hair toning? We tell you

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What is hair toning? We tell you

Do you want to refresh your hair color in a minimally invasive way and at the same time add shine and strengthen them? Toning will allow you to achieve this without a visit to the hairdresser!

What is toning?

Hairtoning is a method of changing hair color using shading products. Thanks to the vitamins and minerals in the cosmetics intended for this treatment, hair not only gains a clearer color, but improves its condition. Toning can work well if you don’t want to use colouring, which often damages and dries the hair, or as a solution when you need to refresh the color between colourings.

Who does it work for?

Especially blondes. Blonde hair is prone to yellowing and the right toners can cool the color and eliminate the yellow undertone. What’s more, blonde hair shows its colored highlights very well. For brown or red hair the pigments wash out quickly and toning improves the color and removes warm undertones. If you have very dark or black hair the color effect will be less noticeable but you will still notice nourishment and softening

Hair Toning Products

You already know what toning is, so the question is, what products can you use to do it? Start by choosing a toner color. If you want to tone down the orange hue, choose a blue toner, a yellow toner will neutralize the purple hue, and if your goal is to remove the green hue, go for a red one. Now all that remains is to choose the type of product. You can choose from:

  • toning dyes – they improve the shade of the hair, but this is the most difficult method of toning, intended for people skilled in self-coloring;
  • shampoos with pigments – allow you to tone extremely easily, as you simply wash your hair and leave the foam on your hair for a few minutes, then wash it off. You should see a difference after the first use;
  • rinses – a quick and inexpensive method. You dilute the rinse with water and rinse your hair with the resulting solution. There is one major drawback – rinses will not improve the condition of your hair and may even dry it out;
  • color masks – the ideal way to care for and refresh the color in one. Hair is stronger and definitely smoother;
  • colorants – these are semi-finished products available at drugstores, such as methylene blue or gentian. You need to add the dye to a mask or conditioner and then apply it to your hair, but be careful, you need to do it in the right proportions, otherwise you may see a purple color in the mirror!

How to do toning at home?

As you can see, there are many products for toning. Most of them are easily available and simple to use. You just have to decide what effect you want. The color you have on your hair is important. If your aim is to warm up blonde hair opt for a caramel or copper coloured toner or mask; if you want to cool it down opt for a coloured shampoo or rinse. If you have brown or red hair that has faded a bit, a well-chosen color mask will do the trick, while if you want a stronger result you can opt for a toning hair dye. You can also use toning for gray hair. To give your hair a silvery shimmer, use shampoos for blonde hair. You can also use a mask to cool down the shade.

Main Photo: Campus Production/pexels.com

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