" Driver attire - what to wear to drive safely and comfortably? - Makeupik

Driver attire – what to wear to drive safely and comfortably?

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Driver attire – what to wear to drive safely and comfortably?

When you go on a road trip in your car, do you ever wonder what to wear? Probably not, while the clothing is of great importance for the driver. Why is it important and how to choose it correctly? Find out in the article below.

Shoes – key to safety

When considering the choice of clothing for the driver, maximum attention should be paid to footwear, because it largely determines the safety of driving. It’s because you’re pressing the pedals with your soles, of course, and controlling the pedals and operating them correctly is critical when driving. That’s why shoes should be stable and give you a good feel for the pedals, so you can’t wear flip-flops, flip-flops, boots, stiletto heels or boots.

Flat and not too thick sole and a good positioning of the foot inside the shoe are the most important conditions that should be met by shoes designed for driving. We recommend first of all sport shoes – tennis shoes, sneakers or ballerinas. Remember that improperly fitted shoes may cause a collision or even an accident and then your insurance will pay out the compensation. If you do not remember when your third party liability policy expires, you can find out how to check it at the link below https://kalkulator-oc-ac.auto.pl/jak-sprawdzic-waznosc-polisy-oc/.

Sweatshirt, jacket and pants

When considering the choice of outerwear for driving, remember above all that it should allow freedom of movement. Tight sweatshirts, tight jackets or pants that restrict your movements are definitely not suitable – we advise against tight clothing as it makes it harder to manoeuvre the car and requires more effort to turn the steering wheel. Instead, wear loose, sporty clothing, such as sweatpants and a hoodie – this combination will definitely provide you with freedom of movement.


Sunglasses are just as important as footwear and outerwear on sunny days. Thanks to them, you can drive safely even on cloudless summer days. However, sunglasses are just as useful in winter when the sun is low in the sky, so that the rays fall directly into the driver’s face. To prevent short-term glare, wear sunglasses equipped with a UV filter.


Depending on the thickness and material of your gloves, they can help or hinder your driving. We recommend thin leather gloves that provide a good grip and also protect against the cold. We recommend thin leather gloves, which give you a good grip and protect your hands from the cold, as well as cotton gloves, which slip easily over the steering wheel, and thick ski gloves, which do not allow you to control the car well.


In this case, the same principle applies as with gloves, i.e. some coverings can help and others hinder driving. On sunny days a baseball cap can be a lifesaver as it protects your eyes from the sun’s rays. However, we do not recommend winter hats or headbands because of the risk of slipping on the eyes. So, in cold weather, take off your headgear when you get in the car because if it covers your eyes while you’re driving, you could cause a bump, collision or accident. In such a situation you will receive compensation to repair the damage to your car only if you have autocasco insurance. Its offer, as well as other policies you can compare and buy on the site calculator-oc-ac.auto.pl.

Photo by Robert Nagy of Pexels.

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