" Hygge hair is the new hair color trend, which Sarah Jessica Parker also loves - Makeupik

Hygge hair is the new hair color trend, which Sarah Jessica Parker also loves

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Hygge hair is the new hair color trend, which Sarah Jessica Parker also loves

Intense hair coloring and severe haircuts are a thing of the past. Now, the Instagram hit is hygge hair. If you like the casual look, check out what this hit is all about

Hygge trend has been a hit in the beauty industry for a few months now. Its motto is: “The more natural, the better”. The trend for going natural does not necessarily mean that you should stop colouring your hair. The only thing you need is the right combination of brown and natural blonde shades. Reflections, ombre shading and soft waves are also very popular. These hair colours are popular among stars and celebrities. Among others, Sarah Jessica Parker wears them.

So when are you guys headed to your hair appointment?

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