" Makeup from the 80s is making a comeback. Here is what you should know about it - Makeupik

Makeup from the 80s is making a comeback. Here is what you should know about it

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Makeup from the 80s is making a comeback. Here is what you should know about it

In 2020, all the fashion and cosmetic hits from the 90s, such as brown lip liner and claw clips, are back in favor. This year we’re looking for something bright, uplifting and bold in color. So it’s no surprise that fuchsia lip and neon eyeshadows are back on tap, it’s a great throwback to the 80s.

The era of the 80s makeup look is back in vogue. Makeup inspiration from that era is making a comeback in TV shows and it’s also dominating the web, where Instagrammers are promoting it on their social media, tagging photos of makeup taken after the penultimate decade of the 20th century as #myparentslook.

Big, strong and bright, but with a modern twist

If you’re thinking of bright, powdery eyeshadows accompanied by bands and leotards, don’t panic because the pros have figured out how to give this trend a modern twist. Modern makeup tends to focus on restraint and balance so as not to overpower

What was the most prominent feature of 80s style makeup? Definitely exaggeration. It manifested itself in intense colors. Shades of cosmetics had to be expressive, and the stronger the makeup, the more in tune with the trend it was. Today’s makeup can be inspired by that time, but does not have to be a faithful copy.

How do I do 80s make-up?

The first step in any makeup application is to prepare your skin, that is, to cleanse it thoroughly and moisturize it. It is best to use a special milk or foam face wash for this, because these are cosmetics with a creamy and delicate texture, which should not irritate the skin

When you have cleaned your skin thoroughly, do not forget to pat it dry. Then, we can apply concealer and foundation. On the upper eyelid, using a brush, we apply a strong eye shadow and then we outline our eye with a black pencil. Makeup in the style of the 80s should be spectacular, so to achieve such an effect, you can lengthen the line and thicken it a bit. In addition, the make-up can be complemented with well-defined eyelashes and eyebrows. For this purpose mascara and black eyebrow pomade will work best

The crowning glory of any make-up look is the accentuation of the lips. Therefore, red lipstick is the perfect choice for this type of make-up. But let’s not forget that fuchsia and purple lips are also typical for the 80s. The good news is that they look great and you can keep it modern by combining these colors with clean and fresh skin.

The disco era is in fashion again. Take advantage of it!

The 1980s was an unforgettable disco era that made its mark in terms of fashion and beauty with saturated colors and body worship, so it’s no surprise that the popularity for that fashion is growing now. Who of us, especially in the somewhat overwhelming reality of the pandemic, would not want at least for a moment to lose himself in such a neon world, to once again feel the taste of freedom and youthful dreams. Fortunately, thanks to the magic of cosmetics and archival photographs and recordings from years gone by, we can easily be inspired by the colorful makeup of the crazy 80s. We can become icons of contemporary fashion if, like many people in the 80s, we bet on visibility! And apart from make-up, fluorescent clothes and accessories in similar shades can help us achieve this. No one will pass by us indifferently, because after all, such a face highlighted with an original make-up and interesting styling can not be overlooked!

Read also Contouring your face with blush is not a hopeless idea despite appearances

Main photo: Alberto E. Rodriguez/ Getty Images Entertainment/ Getty Images

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