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What are the types of wigs and how to take care of such hairstyle?

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What are the types of wigs and how to take care of such hairstyle?

Year after year, the number of wig lovers grows, as they are a great way to change your image quickly and spectacularly. How to take care of natural and synthetic wigs, in order to always delight with beautiful hairstyle?

Types of women’s wigs

Taking into account the type of material they are made of, we distinguish between fabric and synthetic wigs.


These are wigs, which are made of natural hair of different origins, which differ in styling ability, texture and color. Brazilian hair, for example, is smooth, strong and thick, making it easy and quick to comb. They can also be colored, although undyed hair wigs are becoming more and more popular

Another very often used material for the production of natural wigs is “European” hair, i.e. hair coming mainly from Italian and Spanish women. Their structure is similar to Slavic hair – it is smooth and pleasant to touch. Naturally, wigs made of European hair are dark brown or black, although manufacturers usually lighten them.

In stores, you will also find a large selection of wigs made of Chinese hair, which have a stiff, straight structure and are very dark. They are often subjected to strong bleaching processes and then covered with liquid silicone. It is worth noting that Chinese wigs are not as long-lasting as wigs made of European hair.

Another type of hair used for ladies’ wigs is Indian hair – it is thick, heavy, often wavy or slightly curly (similarly to Chinese, it is usually intensively bleached and covered with silicone for the effect of gloss). It is a cheaper alternative to wigs made of European hair.

The last type is the so-called virgin hair (usually of Slavic origin), and comes in colors ranging from medium brown to light blonde. They are light, smooth, usually kept in excellent condition by the original owners, and have a healthy glow. Wigs made of virgin hair are premium products, their average price is 6000-7000 PLN.


These are wigs made of synthetic fibers. They are much cheaper than wigs made of natural hair (a standard model can be bought for as little as 300-1500 PLN). Of course, synthetic wigs are not as durable and carefully made as their natural counterparts. They cannot be subjected to high temperatures, are more difficult to style and are more likely to stay in good condition for years (especially with intensive use). They are more suitable for occasional outings; if you want to wear your wig on a daily basis, investing in a natural hair product is definitely a better choice.

How do I take care of a real and synthetic hair wig?

How do I care for my natural hair wig? When cleaning, you should always pour water on it from top to bottom. The shampoo needs to be applied to the hair in “stroking” motions, not in a spherical motion like a standard head wash. Once lather is formed, you can rinse the product with warm water and apply conditioner or mask to your hair, skipping the base of the wig. When it comes to drying – you should let your wig dry naturally, preferably on a special rack (squeezing out excess water with your hands beforehand). Using a hair dryer (similarly to synthetic models) is not recommended. With everyday use, it is advisable to wash the natural wig every 1-2 weeks

How to take care of the synthetic wig? If you want it to keep its aesthetic appearance for as long as possible, you should avoid frequent combing and smoothing with your hands. Never comb wet hair, use only cosmetics dedicated to synthetic wigs.

To wash your artificial hair, soak it in a container with 3 liters of water and a tablespoon of special shampoo for about 5 minutes. Then carefully squeeze them with your hands (without rubbing) and rinse them in another container with water and synthetic wig lotion. The last step is to take them out on a towel and drain them of excess water. Then simply hang the model on a stand and let it dry on its own. Synthetic wig should be washed every 3 weeks or so (if you smoke tobacco, more often, because even artificial hair quickly soaks up unpleasant odor).

Read also: 4 hairstyles to hide thin hair and show your knowledge of hot trends

Main photo: Maria Orlova/ pexels.com

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