" Botox for hair - what should you know about it before the procedure? - Makeupik

Botox for hair – what should you know about it before the procedure?

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Botox for hair – what should you know about it before the procedure?
Face careHair

Weak, dull and damaged hair is a problem for many women. How to rebuild the structure of hair strands and again enjoy a beautiful hairstyle? A good choice is hair botox – what does the treatment consist in?

How does the treatment look like?

Hair Botox is one of the most popular regeneration treatments, which are decided by the customers of hair salons worried about the condition of their hair. What exactly is hair botox? Hair stylist first washes the strands with a special cleansing shampoo, which opens the hair scales (so that better absorb the active ingredients), and then applies a professional cosmetic containing natural substances such as collagen, argan oil, hyaluronic acid (the preparation used for the treatment is free of parabens, sulfates and dyes). The mixture of beneficial substances should remain on the hair for about 20-30 minutes. The entire treatment takes 40-50 minutes, so it is not time-consuming, and the results achieved are truly spectacular. In order to maximize the result, it is advisable to perform several treatments at 2-4 week intervals. Unlike botox treatments performed on the skin in an aesthetic medicine office, there are no needles here! The term “botox for hair” is somewhat of a marketing ploy, but that doesn’t mean that the strand treatment doesn’t work!

Benefits of Botox for hair – why use the treatment?

The benefits of Botox for hair are plentiful. It is a real nutritional bomb for women’s strands. Botox restores healthy, attractive shine to hair, makes them nice to touch, smooth and soft. The color of strands is more intense, they are also easier to arrange (botox does not weigh them down). What is important, a significant improvement of hair vitality is visible already after one treatment. This professional regeneration procedure nourishes hair deeply in a completely non-invasive way – without interfering with its structure. According to many hairdressers it is a great alternative to keratin straightening of hair

Hair Botox – who is it for? When is the best time for the treatment?

Who in particular should benefit from the treatment? Botox is recommended primarily to owners of very damaged hair, for example due to frequent coloring, bleaching or perming. The treatment will also satisfy ladies who struggle with frizzy hair. What time is good to use botox? In fact, the treatment can be performed at any time of the year. It is worth performing it especially after winter when our strands are often weak and dull. Thanks to the treatment the strands will regain their silky softness and will be visibly strengthened. A good time is also the post-holiday period, when the hair is dry and damaged by sunlight and the effect of salt water.

How much does botox for hair cost? Is it an expensive treatment?

Many women wonder if hair botox is an expensive treatment. It is not a large expense. In most hair salons you will not pay more than 150 PLN for it (in case of long hair). Holders of shorter strands will spend even less, about 80-100 zł.

Hair Botox – how long does the effect last?

Depending on how often you wash the strands and how many treatments you undergo, the effect may last for several months. However, the smoothing of the hair will be noticeable up to 10-15 washes. It is important to know that Botox-treated hair needs to be properly cared for – what does that mean? To maintain and prolong the effect you should regularly use nourishing cosmetics with keratin or hyaluronic acid

We hope that thanks to our article you will benefit from botox for hair and enjoy the changed appearance of the strands.

Read also Laminating with jelly – the way to smooth hair

Main Photo: Streetstyleshooters/ German Select/ Getty Images

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