" Nail polish shade and complexion. Tips on how to match the color of manicure to your skin tone - Makeupik

Nail polish shade and complexion. Tips on how to match the color of manicure to your skin tone

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Nail polish shade and complexion. Tips on how to match the color of manicure to your skin tone

Proper selection of the shade of nail polish requires taking into account, first of all, our complexion. Thanks to this your hands will become a real business card of a woman.

Why it is worth to match nail polish to the complexion?

There are different shades of complexion, which require matching the appropriate color of nail polish. It is extremely important to create a perfect manicure, because it will show our care and efforts to maintain the best possible care of our hands. However, before we proceed to paint our nails, we should start by choosing the main shade and temperature of our skin. Based on the general rules, which are adapted to the four types of complexion, you can create a formula that will allow you to perfectly match the color of your nails to your natural skin tones. In order to gain an appreciation regarding your taste, it is necessary to get acquainted with the distinguishing features of each complexion.

Light ivory skin

This is the lightest skin type and is characterized by a slightly beige hue. Greenish veins shine through, making the skin appear warm. This natural contrast is ideal for nail work. Since a light skin tone is prevalent, colors such as:

  • brown,
  • red,
  • gold,
  • nude in warm tones.

For ivory-toned complexions, it’s a good idea to use dark colors and contrasts as long as they have a yellowish element to them.

Porcelain skin

Another very light shade is porcelain skin. In its case, there is no longer any question of a beige shade, but rather a light pink visible. This skin reddens quickly, especially in response to the sun. When combined with blue veins, it creates a cool combination, so in this case, yellowish nail colors will definitely be a bad option. Instead, it’s a better choice:

  • dark shades of red,
  • raspberry,
  • cranberry,
  • berry.

You should also opt for different shades of pink, although reaching for pastels is not advisable. Why not? Pastel shades of pink would make your nails blend with your complexion, and your hands would look pale and unattractive.

Medium complexion skin

The most indefinable complexion is called medium or olive. It is difficult to determine the shade of the skin and the veins are neither blue nor greenish. This skin is not yet swarthy, but it is certainly not described as fair. It is also a complexion ideal for easy tanning. Moreover, one will rarely suffer from the effects of sunburn. What kind of nail polish should I choose for this skin type? First of all, use expressive and bright colors:

  • intense pink,
  • shades of orange will also find their unique use,
  • red – it will vividly emphasize your beauty and highlight your hands.

With this complexion, you should especially avoid reds and navy blues. Instead, go for concrete, light grey and other shades of grey.

Medium complexion

It is the easiest to define. Especially in the winter season, you may notice envious glances directed at the owners of such complexion. It is a natural skin condition and shade that other women can only achieve after hours of sunbathing. There are even more advantages to fair skin. It is versatile in color. Virtually any hue or color will suit this complexion. The only thing to avoid is brown, which would blend with the complexion. In the case of breakfast skin:

  • pastel colors – these are perfect for naturally dark skin; go for pastel blues and purples in particular,
  • neon and intense colors,
  • shades of grey.

    Read also How to deal with nail biting? Here are some foolproof tricks

    Main Photo: Kristina Paukshtite/ pexels.com
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